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OUR SERVICES – Royal Duchess Marine


Originality, emotion, and excitement. Catering to the uppermost sophisticated tastes and aspirations, we create the level of experience that nurtures the breadth of your understanding and knowledge of the local surroundings.

The anticipation of pleasure and the ability to experience everyday things as if for the first time make the experiences we design more meaningful, immersive, and unforgettable.


As connoisseurs of the new luxury landscape, where one finds meaning in time, space, and one’s well-being, we offer a new kind of yachting lifestyle to today’s ultra-luxury traveler. Embark on a journey of discovery, self-expression, and restoration for the mind, body, and soul in the East Mediterranean and the Caribbean’s most remote and breathtaking locations.

Service prevails onboard our luxurious motor yacht, Emir, where your dedicated crew and private chefs cater to your every need, creating the perfect indulgent overthewater retreat.


Royal Duchess Marine M.C.P.Y.

1 Skra street, Kallithea, Attika, GR-17673


Royal Duchess Marine M.C.P.Y.

1 Skra street, Kallithea, Attika, GR-17673